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Agriculture Jobs That Start With E

Posted by | April 25, 2023 | Blog

The letter E on a wall.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in ag, you may be curious about what starts with E in agriculture.

Fortunately, there are many ag jobs that start with E so let’s jump right in.


An entomologist is a scientist who studies insects and their behavior. They may work in a variety of settings, from pest management to crop pollination.

Extension Agent

An extension agent is a professional who works with farmers and other agricultural producers to provide education and outreach services. They may focus on topics like crop production, animal health, or soil management.

Equipment Operator

An equipment operator may be employed by a farm or agricultural company to operate machinery and equipment, such as tractors, combines, and irrigation systems.

Environmental Scientist

An environmental scientist may work in the agriculture industry to study the impact of farming practices on the environment. They may also develop and implement strategies for sustainable agriculture.

Egg Grader

An egg grader is responsible for grading and sorting eggs according to their size and quality.

They must have a keen eye for detail and a strong understanding of industry standards and regulations.


An economist may work in the agriculture industry to analyze market trends and forecast prices for crops and livestock. They may also develop strategies for maximizing profitability and reducing risk.

Additional agriculture jobs that start with E include:

  • Ecologist
  • Embryo Transfer Technician (for animal breeding)
  • Energy Auditor (for sustainable farming practices)
  • Estate Manager (for managing large agricultural properties)
  • Extension Educator


In conclusion, there are many ag jobs that start with E, each offering their own unique opportunities for those interested in pursuing a career in agriculture.

Whether you’re interested in working with crops, livestock, or the environment, there is likely a job in agriculture that aligns with your interests and career goals.

